Ffynnon Taf

Ffynnon Taf

Tuesday 13 June 2017

Class Structure and Staffing 2017

As you are probably aware, at this point in the year we have usually sent home information regarding the class structures and staffing for the following academic year. Due to upcoming changes to our current staffing structure, detailed below, final decisions have not yet been made.


Firstly, I bring you news that Mrs Tucker, one of our longest serving members of staff and a valued member of the Senior Management Team, will be leaving us at the end of the summer term to enjoy an early retirement. While it will be a huge loss for the school and we are sad to see her go, we are extremely excited for Mrs Tucker and the commencement of a new chapter in her life.


As you know, Mr Brown left us during the spring term and we are currently in the process of appointing a new deputy headteacher in preperation for September. As soon as we have news of who has been appointed and the class they will be teaching, we will let you know. In the meantime, Mrs Richards will continue to teach Dosbarth Llew and we continue to be grateful for the effort and commitment she has given to this role. In addition, Miss Davies, currently on maternity leave will also resume her post from September.


While we cannot yet confirm who will be teaching each class, the structure will be as follows:


Dosbarth Teigr – Nursery

Dosbarth Eliffant – Reception

Dosbarth Cangarw – Year 1

Dosbarth Coala – Year 2

Dosbarth Twcan – Year 3

Dosbarth Llew – Year 4/5

Dosbarth Rhino Gwyn – Year 5/6


As soon as we have further details, we will write to you again.

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