Ffynnon Taf

Ffynnon Taf

Friday 7 July 2017

Estyn Inspection 2017

Our inspection is now over and we'd like to say a huge thank you to you all for your support this week. We are most grateful to those who came to meet the inspectors but equally to everyone for ensuring children were in school on time and our days ran smoothly. The children were well behaved, polite, articulate and were an absolute credit to you!

We understand there has been some frustration regarding new security measures that were put in place during the week. These were as a direct result of inspectors' concerns regarding the outer security of the school and have been put in place for the benefit and safety of all children. They will be remaining in place until we break up for the summer holidays. The main school building is being remodelled over the holiday which will result in the entrance, a waiting foyer and the school offices being moved to the current location of Dosbarth Cangarw. This will negate the security issues and ensure no access is possible to children playing on the yard.

I will be sending home plans for the new work, along with details of class locations and staffing for next year, early next week. In the meantime, thank you once again for the support we received during the inspection. The report is currently being edited and will be published in September.

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