Ffynnon Taf

Ffynnon Taf

Thursday 15 December 2016

New Classrooms...

Following discussions with the contractors appointed to install our new demountable classrooms, I am now in a position to inform you of how the project will affect the school in the coming weeks.

Work has been brought forward slightly and the builders have been on site this week to enclose the site so construction can begin at the start of the holidays. Most of the work will be taking place on the field at the rear of the school but a part of the car park and lane will be cordoned off as part of the construction site. The contractors have assured us that no deliveries or heavy plant traffic will attempt to access the site during collection and drop off times.  

From the first day of spring term (Tuesday 3rd January), the only access into school will be on foot and through the first set of gates into the playground – children and parents of all classes will have to use this pedestrian route into school until construction ends. This is normal practice for the busy collection/drop off times but will now include breakfast club and after school clubs. We realise this may be inconvenient for some but is necessary to protect the health and safety of our pupils, parents and staff.

Once inside the school grounds, collection and drop off arrangements remain the same for all classes but we would ask that extra care is taken when walking children to and from breakfast club, after school childcare provision and Dosbarth Cangarw (in short, any access points at the rear of the school building that would require walking through the car park).
Myself or another member of staff will be present for the first few days of these new arrangements to offer assistance if required. I apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused but I’m sure you’ll agree this is worthwhile for the ongoing development of our school.

We have requested for several years that the school receive additional classroom space. This has been due to the fact that we have enough children in Key Stage 2 to form four classes but only have three classrooms. In addition, we have very little space in Key Stage 2 for group projects, intervention groups, music lessons and nurture activities.
While we would have obviously preferred an extension, we welcome the extra space provided by the two large classrooms that will be installed. I have added photographs above of a very similar demountable and plans below that illustrate exactly where in the school grounds it will sit. The building will be modern and clean and the rooms within very large, light and airy with excellent storage space. With our talented staff, I’m sure they will be warm and welcoming learning environments in no time.

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