Ffynnon Taf

Ffynnon Taf

Thursday 8 December 2016

Christmas Concerts 2016

We kick started this year's Christmas concerts with our nursery class, Dosbarth Teigr, presenting a very special version of the nativity story. They showed just how grown up and confident they have become with the half hour re-telling of the Christmas story including some well known songs!

This week we continued our seasonal shows with wonderful performances from our Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2 children. The infants entertained with the very funny 'Hoity Toity Angel' and everyone was impressed by what confident performers the children had come. They thrilled with their beautiful singing and strong acting - each and every child shone on stage!

Last but certainly not least, the Juniors took to the stage with their musical comedy production, Five Gold Rings. The show was a big hit despite all the other demands being made of the children and staff in recent weeks (The Shakespeare Festival to name just one).

As always I'm extremely proud of all our children for how they rise to the challenge and enthusiastically take part in everything! A huge thank you to all the staff across the school who work tirelessly to ensure the children are given these wonderful opportunities. The pictures speak for themselves...

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