Ffynnon Taf

Ffynnon Taf

Monday 18 April 2016

Dan-y-Wenallt Day Two

After varying amounts of sleep, it was an early start for day two at Dan-y-Wenallt.  Following a full cooked breakfast, the children were eager to accompany Ron back into the woodland to see if any of their traps had been successful. Out of ten traps, three contained visitors (two woodmice and a vole) and the children were tasked with first identifying, and then weighing and recording their finds before releasing them back into the wild.

Next up, the children took on the challenge of the 'Tor y Foel Trek.'   This involved a substantial walk along the reservoir and ancient railway tracks before conquering the mighty Tor-y-Foel itself. Each and every child took part and completed the challenge without moan or whinge. Both Ron and Anna were blown away by the children and the enthusiastic attitude they displayed, they were a credit to the school and themselves. Even Miss Morris enjoyed - although spent most of the descent in a sitting position!

Following another delicious evening meal and much needed shower, everyone settled into a more 'chilled out' evening of board games (including a surprise visit from Mrs Richards!) while the rain poured outside. A much earlier night was had by all!

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