Ffynnon Taf

Ffynnon Taf

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Strike Action

As you are probably aware through media coverage, a large number of public service unions have balloted their members successfully to take strike action on Wednesday 30th November. The unions advising strike action include the following:
  • NUT
  • NAHT
  • ATL
  • Unison
  • GMB
These unions combined represent a large number of our staff including teachers and support staff. As it will not be possible to meet legal staff:pupil ratios or guarantee the safety/welfare of pupils on that day, we have no choice but to close the school to all children. I understand this is an inconvenience but we have attempted to give sufficient notice for alternative childcare arrangements to be made.

While I do not wish to get political, I would like to make the point that many of our staff struggled to make the decision to support the strike as it goes against every professional instinct they have. However, there is a deep belief that current proposals are fundamentally wrong and to not stand up for that belief now would be an opportunity wasted.

I apologise once again for any disruption caused but thank you for your cooperation.