Ffynnon Taf

Ffynnon Taf

Thursday 31 March 2011

Dates for your diary...

Please make a note of the following important dates which take us right up to the end of this academic year. These dates can also be found in more detail on the new interactive calendar on the school's new website - ffynnontafprimaryschool@createprimary.co.uk

Saturday 2nd April - PFA Ladies Night (details to follow)

Friday 8th April – Big Writing Open Morning (9.15am)

Sunday 10th April - PFA Family Easter Egg Hunt (details to follow)

Thursday 14th April - Last day of Spring Term (Friday 15th April is a Teacher Training Day)

Tuesday 3rd May - Summer Term commences

Tuesday 3rdThursday 5th May – PACT (Parents And Children Together) week. Invites and further details to follow

Friday 6th May – PACT Week sponsored activities (details to follow)

Friday 13th May – The Happy Prince – Theatre Show in school hall

Tuesday 17th &Wednesday 18th May – Parent Evenings

Friday 27th May – School closed for teacher training

Monday 30th May – Friday 3rd June – Half term holiday

Thursday 16th June – Sports Day (afternoon)

Saturday 18th June - Summer Fair (1.30pm onwards)

Monday 20th – Wednesday 22nd June – Year 6 residential trip to Brecon

Friday 24th June – 1st reserve Sports Day

Wednesday 29th June – Year 6 Fun Day at Hawthorn High (Details to follow)

Thursday 30th June – 2nd reserve Sports Day

Thursday 14th July – Year 6 Leavers Assembly

Friday 15th July – Year 6 Leavers ‘Event’

Thursday 21st July – Last day of summer term

We will be sending out information for the events above closer to their respective dates.