Ffynnon Taf

Ffynnon Taf

Friday 24 November 2017

Christmas Market

Once again this year we will be holding a Christmas Market on Friday 15th December from 3.15 – 5.30pm. As well as stalls run by staff with the usual mix of chocolates, cakes and Christmas wrapping/cards etc, we are hoping to host a substantial craft market and are currently trying to attract traders to the event. Should you know of anyone that may be interested in taking a stall, please ask them to contact us in school. The most popular aspect of previous events will remain with a festive refreshments area, secret shopper room, prize drawer and of course a chance to meet Santa himself.


Further details of the market will be sent out in due course. As usual, we will be having a number of ‘non uniform days’ in the run up to the fair in order to collect donations for some of the stalls:


  • Friday 1st December – Mystery Prize bags
  • Friday 8th December – Christmas wrapping/cards/decorations or toiletries/ beauty products
  • Friday 15th December – Cakes and Chocolates.


We will be sending you reminders of the above before each non-uniform day. There will be a meeting on Monday 27th November at 5pm in the staffroom for anyone that would be keen to help us with this. In particular, we are looking for a group of parents to transform a room into Santa’s grotto; another group to organise a prize raffle; and  another to stock our secret shopper room with suitable gifts for mums and dads (a particularly good one for anyone that loves bargain hunting!)


We look forward to whatever support you can provide!

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