Ffynnon Taf

Ffynnon Taf

Monday 23 October 2017

Elections 2017

It's that time of year again when election fever sweeps through the school! Over the last week, hopeful candidates for positions in the Pupil Council, Eco-Committee and Criw Cymraeg have been busy presenting their manifestos and fielding questions from their peers.

Friday was election day and all children from Dosbarth Cangarw to Dosbarth Rhino Gwyn had their chance to vote for their favourite candidates.

The results were revealed in assembly this morning and we are please to present to you our new Pupil Council...

This year's Eco-Committee...

And last but not least, our newly elected Criw Cymraeg...

To kick start the work of these important groups, we are planning some exciting visits to inspire them (more details soon) and moving forward the Pupil Council and Eco-Committee will be working with Mr Pemberton and Miss Morris on a regular basis to discuss their ideas for the school. Criw Cwmraeg will be doing the same with Mrs Davies and Miss O'Sullivan. We look forward to working with them and improving and developing the school together.

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