Ffynnon Taf

Ffynnon Taf

Wednesday 6 September 2017

We Can Open!

We are finally able to open to all children tomorrow morning (Thursday 7th September). Obviously, the building works will be continuing but we are now at a stage where the site is safe. Access to the school site for drop off and pick up should be exactly as it was before we broke up for the Summer holidays as work on the new entrance continues. New arrangements will not apply until the building work is complete. The gates to the yard will be open at 8.50am and closed at 9.05am to secure the site. They will re-open at 3.10 for you to collect your children in the usual manner. Children in the new demountable classrooms (Dosbarth Rhino Gwyn and Llew) will line up on the yard next to the other classes before being escorted into class. Likewise, at the end of the day, teachers will bring the children out onto the main yard for collection.

The school hall is partly out of use but we are able to use a section of it for breakfast club. Usual drop off and registration arrangements apply.

Mrs James can temporarily be found in her old office until work is complete and she moves adjacent to the new entrance. The phonelines are now back up and running and the original number is back in use.

I'd like to thank all staff who have worked tirelessly over the last few days, alongside the contractors, to get the school back into shape. Without them, the closure would have continued until Monday. We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!

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