Ffynnon Taf

Ffynnon Taf

Tuesday 25 April 2017

Summer Diary Dates

Summer is already here and to keep you up to date, these are the main dates that have been planned for the summer term so far:


•Wednesday 26th April – Sponsored ‘Powershot’ Day

•Monday 1st May – May Day Bank Holiday (School closed)

•Wednesday 3rd – Monday 8th May – National Tests (Y2 – Y6)

•Thursday 11th May – Dosbarth Coala/Cangarw – Carnival Dance Day

•Tuesday 16th May – Parent Evening 1 (Except Dosbarth Coala/Cangarw – TBA)

•Wednesday 17th May – Parent Evening 2 (Except Dosbarth Coala/Cangarw – TBA)  

•Wednesday 17th – Friday 19th May – Year 6 transition residential trip to Llangrannog.

•Wednesday 22nd – Friday 26th May – PACT (Parents and Children Together) Week 2017 – Yoga (see separate letter for details)

•Thursday 25th May – Dosbarth Rhino Gwyn trip to The Hay Festival (details to follow)

•Friday 26th May – Last day of half term.

•Monday 29th – Friday 2nd June – Half term holiday

•Friday 9th June – Class Photo Day (please ensure school uniform is worn on this day). 

•Wednesday 26th April – Sponsored ‘Powershot’ Day

•Thursday 29th June – New Nursery Intake induction meetings (details to follow)

•Friday 30th June – Hawthorn High Year 6 Transition Curriculum Day

•Thursday 6th July – Hawthorn High Year 6 Transition Pastoral Day

•Thursday 6th July – Hawthorn High Year 6 Parents’ Evening.

•Friday 7th July – Sports Day (1.15pm on the school field)

•Friday 7th July – End of Year Reports out to parents

•Saturday 8th July – Ffynnon Taf Family Fun Day (details to be announced soon)

•Monday 9th & Tuesday 10th July – Hawthorn High Cluster Year 6 Inter-school musical production.

•Thursday 13th July – Hawthorn High Year 5 Transition Day

•Thursday 20th July – Dosbarth Rhino Gwyn Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly (9.15am)

•Thursday 20th July – Dosbarth Rhino Gwyn Year 6 Leavers’ Event (6pm - TBC)

•Friday 21st July – Last day of summer term


•Coming Soon: - Coala class assembly, Parent council elections and initial meetings and fundraising activities.


We will be sending out information for the events above closer to their respective dates.

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