Ffynnon Taf

Ffynnon Taf

Wednesday 22 March 2017

Lads Together Day

As you know, we've had a big push this year on closing the gap between boys and girls in reading and writing. Boys and girls learning styles (as a generalisation) can be very different and traditional school life has been scientifically proven to favour girls. Add to this that most staff members in the primary phase are female and mothers tend to take the lead with their children's education and there's obviously some work to do.

We have many projects and interventions up and running to try and redress this balance and last week we held our first 'Lads Together' day where boys were all asked to invite a male role model to join them in a day's forest school activities based on the novel Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo. The activities were all led by Steph from Free Range Aventures and she did an amazing job of engaging everyone in a variety of activities including shelter building and safe creation of fires.

The aim of this event was to promote writing based on experience and some fantastic written work was produced on Friday as a result. Due to the success of this pilot we'll be looking to plan similar events in the future. While, for the reasons explained, the boys were the focus for this event, the girls needn't worry about being left out. Watch this space...

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