Ffynnon Taf

Ffynnon Taf

Thursday 9 February 2017

Traffic Accident

As you are aware, there was an incident this morning where a Ffynnon Taf pupil was hit by a moving car on Cardiff Road, directly outside the school. The pupil was taken to hospital to be treated for minor injuries but has now returned home to recover. I will pass onto her family all the good wishes expressed by parents today. We wish her a speedy recovery and look forward to welcoming her back soon.

Understandably, many children were anxious this morning so an assembly was held first thing to put their minds at rest and reassure them the pupil involved will make a full recovery and be back in school soon. They were also reminded about taking care on what is a very busy road without appropriate speed restrictions.  Mrs Drysdale and Mrs Howells, who were present at the scene, have commented how effective our parents were at escorting their children into school without a fuss and regardless of the distressing scenes unfolding. For this we are extremely grateful.

Please be assured that the school continues to work with Councillor Bonnetto, our CPSO and the road safety unit in finding ways to resolve the many issues resolving road safety in and around the school. Thank you to those parents who have offered their support to this cause and I’ll write again soon with further details.

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