Ffynnon Taf

Ffynnon Taf

Tuesday 28 February 2017

Diary Dates Update

Hope you all had a great half term!  


To keep you up to date, these are the dates that have been planned for the second half of the spring term:


•Wednesday 1st March – St David’s Day Eisteddfod

•Thursday 2nd March – World Book Day

•Thursday 2nd March – Dosbarth Cangarw – Class Assembly – World Book Day (9.15am)

•Tuesday 7th March – Dosbarth Llew Science Day – Hawthorn High School
•Wednesday 8th March – Netball Tournament (To be confirmed)

•Thursday 9th March – Dosbarth Eliffant – Class Assembly – When I Fall Asleep (9.15am)

•Friday 10th March – Hawthorn High Cluster INSET day – all schools closed

•Thursday 16th March – Lads Together Literacy Day (see separate letters)

•Thursday 16th March – Dosbarth Twcan – Class Assembly – The Human Body (9.15am)

•Monday 20th March – Home-School Learning Presentation (5.30pm)

•Thursday 23rd March – Dosbarth Teigr – Class Assembly – Mother’s Day (9.15am)

•Thursday 23rd March – Dosbarth Rhino Gwyn – Sports Festival – Hawthorn High School

•Friday 24th March – Comic Relief (dress in red. Further details TBC by School Council)

•Monday 27th March – ‘Powershot’ Launch assembly (details to follow)

•Monday 27th March – Dosbarth Llew/Rhino Gwyn – Danywenallt Residential Meeting (5pm)

St David’s Day Eisteddfod

•Friday 7th April – Easter Bonnet Parade (details to be announced)

•Monday 10th– Friday 21st April – Easter Holidays

•Monday 24th April – Summer Term Commences


•Coming Soon: - Year 6 transition activities, parent consultations and summer term trips... dates to be announced soon.


We will be sending out information for the events above closer to their respective dates. We are currently scheduling some additional fundraising events for the term and details of these will also be released shortly.

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