Ffynnon Taf

Ffynnon Taf

Monday 13 June 2016

Save Our Summer Fair!

As you are aware, the parent members of the WLFTFA stood down at the beginning of this year. With their guidance, and the support of new volunteers, we were still able to arrange a very successful Christmas Fair. The summer fair is now fast approaching and due to this being an exceptionally busy term, we have taken the decision to hold the summer fair after school based on the Christmas model. This will now take place on Thursday 7th July at 3.15pm. Although the time is changing, we are hoping to provide the same type of community event and raise much needed funds for the school.


Obviously, arranging an event like this is a huge undertaking and we will not be able to do it without support from parent volunteers. As such, I have arranged a meeting in the staff room at 5.00pm on Monday 20th June for anyone interested in lending a hand. Whatever you can offer in terms of time, donations or even useful contacts, we will be delighted to see you.


Further details of the Fair will be sent out in due course. As usual, we will be having a number of ‘non uniform days’ in the run up to the fair in order to collect donations for a variety of activities/stalls on the day.


  • Friday 17th June – toiletries or tins/bottles for the tombolas
  • Friday 24th June – books, DVDs and games
  • Friday 1st July – lucky bags
  • Thursday 7th July – cakes and chocolates


We will be sending you reminders of the above along with further details of the lucky bag collections.


We look forward to whatever support you can provide!

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