Ffynnon Taf

Ffynnon Taf

Tuesday 23 February 2016

Homework Survey

As you are aware, home-school learning is a major area for development within the school this year and earlier in the term we asked you for your opinions and ideas. The responses we recieved for each question have been summarised below:

Parent Homework Survey – 26 responses

·         How much homework would you like your child to receive?

Very wide range and variety of responses. Most would like weekly homework and cite literacy and numeracy as being the areas they would like this in. Nearly all ask for a reading book to be changed regularly and sent home. A few parents would prefer short daily bursts of homework and a minority stated they would prefer none. Many parents stated that homework over the weekend is better than during the week as  they have more time to work with their children.  Big talk homework is generally misunderstood as some parents can’t ‘see the point’ of homework where nothing is recorded. A significant number of parents have asked for more traditional homework such as spelling lists and handwriting sheets.

·         What do you see as being the benefits of homework?

         Keeps children focused on learning. Problem solving. Independence. Responsibility. Parents see what their children are learning in school.  Check on progress being made. Encourages children to be organised and self-disciplined.  Reinforcement of what has been learnt in school. One to one learning that is not available in school. Spending quality time with children and preparing them for high school and beyond.  A minority of parents felt there were no benefits to homework, that it is the school’s job to educate and they would rather the children enjoy their free time.

·         What types of homework would you like to see your child receive?

Reading, literacy task, maths, spelling, topic work, handwriting. Also, Welsh and Science. Some parents stated they preferred the homework to be subject specific rather than topic led. There is a general trend of parents preferring teacher set tasks with clear objectives – e.g. worksheets.

·         What skills do you feel would benefit most from being developed/reinforced at home?

Reading, writing, talking, numeracy, health and wellbeing, readiness for high school, confidence, time-management, organisation, applying their skills practically, Research, ICT skills, routines and general development into an independent, self-motivated learner.

·         Are you aware of the LNF skills highlighted in each topic information sheet that is sent home? If suggestions are given for development at home, do you ever use these?

17 parents were aware of the LNF skills as homework suggestions. Most said they had occasionally tried them at home with some stating they had been pleased with the results. Some stated they didn’t have time and 9 said they had not seen the homework suggestions or in some cases, were not aware of what the LNF was.
These responses have been very useful in helping us understand what parents want and expect from our hoework provision. We are currently working on a variety of new approaches taking your ideas and suggestions (as well as those of the children) into account. To launch this new approach, we will be holding a series of 'Homework Workshops' where each teacher will give examples of the type of homework to expect and when. We look forward to your continued support.

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