Ffynnon Taf

Ffynnon Taf

Tuesday 6 October 2015

London Trip Details - Dosbarth Llew and Rhino Gwyn

As our topic trip to London is fast approaching, I include further details of the arrangements for the day below:

  • We will be leaving school at 7am prompt to ensure we arrive in London on time.
  • We are due to arrive at the museum at 10.15am where we will have time to take in all the exhibits, participate in the ‘Wartime Family’ experience and have lunch.
  • We are booked in for a ‘flight’ on the London Eye and 4D experience at 2pm. We expect to leave London by 3pm at the latest giving us an estimated return time of 6 – 6.30pm. We will keep in touch from the bus via text to give a more accurate return time on the day.
  • Children will need to wear school uniform, comfortable shoes, waterproof coat and bring a packed lunch (including enough extra drinks and snacks to see them through a long day). Any parents who wish to order a packed lunch from the school kitchen are asked to give us at least a day’s notice. Children can bring up to £5 spending money for the shop if they wish. Mobile phones are not permitted though children may bring digital or disposable cameras on the day.
  • Children who require medication should bring this with them on the day clearly marked. If required, travel sickness tablets should be given by parents before we leave with an additional tablet (with instructions) given to a member of staff for the return journey.
  • Staff leading the trip will be Mrs Wallace, Miss Tottle and Miss Morris along with a member of the Senior Management Team. We have drawn 4 parent volunteers at random and these are Mr Komduur, Mr Burge, Mrs Owen and Mrs Hoe. If any of these parents can no longer participate, let us know as we have a substantial waiting list.
If you have any questions regarding this trip or require any further details, please contact us in school.

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