Ffynnon Taf

Ffynnon Taf

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Why Not Join Our Parent Council?

We originally wrote to you in the spring term with the information below. Unfortunately, interest was limited and some classes were looking like they may not be represented. Nevertheless, with the change in class structure we thought it a good time to try again. Any parents who declared an interest last time around, we’ll be in touch with you individually to see if you would still like to take part.
Why do we need a parent council?
As you are aware, we are continually striving to improve how we communicate with parents, and more importantly, how effective this communication is. While we attempt to keep parents fully informed about what we do in school (as well as how and why), it is not always possible to reach everyone effectively. In addition, occasionally parents have concerns or queries that they do not feel are important enough to approach the school with. However, these small concerns can turn into more significant worries and issues and as a result become far more challenging to deal with. With this in mind we plan to trial our first parent council.
How does it work?
The parent council would involve one or two elected representatives from each class meeting once every half term with myself or members of the management team. The agenda for each meeting would be split between an item that the school puts up for discussion (e.g. curriculum, behaviour or homework) and parent representatives bringing concerns, questions or ideas from the parent body they represent. The parent council will not replace the PTA and will have no role in fundraising. Likewise, it will not take on a governing body role. We hope it will be a useful two-way forum in which parents will learn more about the decisions the school makes while the school gains a greater understanding of the views of parents. 
How do I get involved?
If you are interested in education, are good at communicating with other parents and can spare a couple of hours every half term, this could be a great opportunity. Anyone that would like to stand as parent councillor for their class should complete the form that's been sent home and return to school no later than Monday 26th September. Once we have gauged the interest levels, we will decide on the number of representatives per class that will make up the council and hold an election via ballot papers that will be sent home.
We look forward to your involvement.

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