Ffynnon Taf

Ffynnon Taf

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Summer has started...?

The good weather we are experiencing has been a welcome relief from the constant rain of the last few months and it's been great to see the children learning outdoors over the last few days. However, some children are coming to school without hats and with no sun-cream on.

In order for us to take full advantage of the weather and our great outdoor facilities, could I ask that all children come to school with a hat that provides shade for their faces and with long lasting sun cream pre-applied. I would not normally recommend that teachers apply sun- cream (for a variety of reasons) but if you feel there are special circumstances, let us know as we like to take a common sense approach to such situations. 

Finally, to avoid dehydration, children should come equipped with a water bottle that they can refill from the water fountain when required. Thanks for your cooperation!

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