Ffynnon Taf

Ffynnon Taf

Sunday 16 January 2011

Topic Webs

As you may remember, in September we asked for your feedback on all areas of school life in the form of a parental survey. One request that appeared regularly in your responses, and subsequently as one of our targets, was to receive regular information on what your child was learning about in class. As a result, we have devised a simple curriculum web that will be sent home at the beginning of each term from your child’s class teacher. It briefly outlines the topic or theme of the term and lists the skills that will be developed along with the activities that will take place. This will give you the opportunity to talk with your child about their learning as well as conducting home-based research if you so wish. This term’s curriculum web will be coming home with your child this week.

In addition, we will soon be holding a ‘Big Writing/Talk’ open morning where you will have the chance to find out more about this new initiative as well as a PE themed PACT week (Parents And Children Together) where you will be invited to take part in a lesson with your child. More information on these events will be sent out after the half term holiday.