Ffynnon Taf

Ffynnon Taf

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Dates for your diary...

Here is a quick reminder of some important upcoming events/dates for the remainder of this term.
  • Friday 21st January - PFA Cake Sale (3.15pm)
  • Tuesday 8th February - Class 6 to visit GE Healthcare for Science workshops
  • Friday 11th February - Class 4 & 5 to see Pinocchio at Muni theatre
  • Friday 11th February - Class 2 (Reception) assembly (9.30am)
  • Monday 14th February - PFA 'Valentines' disco (to replace postponed Christmas disco - details to follow)
  • Monday 21st -Friday 25th February - Half term holiday
  • Monday 28th February - Teacher Training Day
  • Tuesday 1st March - St David's Day Eisteddfod
  • Tuesday 8th March - PFA Shrove Tuesday Pancake races (details to follow)
  • Friday 1st April - Class 1 (Nursery) assembly - Mother's Day (9.30am)
  • Friday 8th April - 'Big Writing' presentation and open morning
  • Saturday 2nd April - PFA Ladies Night (details to follow)
  • Sunday 10th April - PFA Family Easter Egg Hunt (details to follow)
  • Thursday 14th April - Last day of Spring Term (Friday 15th April is a Teacher Training Day)
  • Tuesday 3rd May - Summer Term commences
As you can see from this and our topic webs, it's another very busy term for us at Ffynnon Taf. The PFA will be in touch shortly to give further details on their planned events outlined above. We are currently discussing dates for the Summer term (including parents evenings, sports day, summer fair and our PACT week), as soon as these dates are finalised we will post them to the blog!
Mr Worth