Ffynnon Taf

Ffynnon Taf

Thursday 16 September 2010

ICT Children's Task Force

Children in classes 4,5 and 6 have today been invited to apply for positions in our new ICT children's task force. The group will work alongside myself, and other staff, in building and maintaining the new school website and further developing the individual class blogs. This will involve writing news stories, creating graphics, taking and uploading photographs, scanning samples of work and general maintenance of the sites. Due to the number of computers in our ICT room, 12 children per term will make up the task force. To make this fair for all those interested, these children will change on a termly basis until everyone who wants to has had a turn.

Many children showed interest in assembly today and these were given simple application forms to bring home and complete. If your child is among them, please spare 5 minutes to help them with this form. They have been asked to list the ICT skills they have, those they would like to learn and in what ways they would be a good member of the task force. There is also a space for mums/dads/carers to write a brief reference in support of the application. Forms should be returned to school on Monday and children will be grouped into terms and informed by the end of next week of when their turn will be.

The task force will meet every Tuesday from 3:15 - 4:15pm. The first session for the Autumn group will be held on Tuesday 28th September. This is a great opportunity for children to extend and enrich their ICT skills so I'm hoping there will be a lot of interest!

Mr Worth