Ffynnon Taf

Ffynnon Taf

Thursday 10 June 2010

Good news and bad news

We take great pride in the fact that we are an Eco School and that we do everything possible (recycling, reducing waste, saving energy,improving the environment etc.)to ensure that we play our part in being green. In the weeks leading up to half term everyone in the school worked very hard indeed to get our school ready for our second Eco School Green Flag assessment on Tueday 8th June. Children and staff were seen sweeping, planting and picking up litter that had blown into the yard and our most treasured project, the plastic bottle greenhouse, was almost finished and looked fabulous.
We were devastated, therefore, when we discovered that in the early hours of last Monday morning (31st May) three youths made their way into the school grounds and proceeded to vandalise our greenhouse and the Infants' 'Play Shed' in the garden. On their way out they decided to kick in the boiler room windows and cause even further damage. We know this because our new CCTV cameras in the Junior building caught them on camera entering and leaving the school - the police have the tape in their posession at present to try and enhance the images. We hope to find out who these mindless vandals are, but just in case we don't... be aware everyone that there are youngsters (and these looked quite young!) roaming the area late at night who are quite prepared to cause damage just for the sake of it!
......and the good news? We gained our Green Flag status and passed our assessment with flying colours. Many thanks to all the children and staff who worked so hard and in particular the Eco-Council members for taking the assessors around the school and talking them through everything we do to deserve this award.

Mrs. Reynolds