Ffynnon Taf

Ffynnon Taf

Thursday 1 February 2018

Updated Diary Dates

To keep you up to date, these are the dates that have been planned for the spring term so far:


•Friday 2nd February – ‘Wear Red for Wales’ Day - £1 donation

•Monday 5th February – 5p Challenge Launch – see separate letter

•Tuesday 6th February – Internet Safety Day – separate information to follow

•Tuesday 13th February – Sponsored Pancake Race and Pancake Sale – details to follow

•Monday 19th – Friday 23rd February – Half Term Holiday

•Thursday 1st March – St David’s Day Eisteddfod

•Friday 2nd March – World Book Day – School Council to contact with this year’s arrangements

•Thursday 8th March – Dosbarth Teigr – Mother’s Day Assembly – 9.15am – School hall

•Monday 12th March – Mark Dorey (author) reads his new book to the children.

•Wednesday 14th March – Mark Dorey book signing.

•Thursday 15th March – PC Dean (Police Liason) –Year 6 and Year 4 online safety workshops.

•Wednesday 21st March – PC Dean (Police Liason) –Year 3 and Year 5 online safety. Workshops.

•Wednesday 28th March – 5p Challenge results, Easter competitions, last day of Spring term for pupils.

•Thursday 29th March – Big Writing Revisited – INSET – school closed to pupils (letter to follow shortly).

•Friday 30th March – Good Friday – Bank Holiday.

•Monday 2nd – Friday 13th April – Easter Holidays.

•Monday 16th April – Summer Term Commences.


•Coming Soon: - Year 6 transition activities, spring topic trips, class musical showcases and parent consultations... dates to be announced soon.


We will be sending out information for the events above closer to their respective dates. We are currently scheduling some additional fundraising events for the term and details of these will also be released shortly.

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