Ffynnon Taf

Ffynnon Taf

Thursday 14 September 2017

Diary Dates - Autumn 2017

Just a few days in and the dates in our diary are filling up fast. There will be lots of information and news coming your way in the next few weeks so we thought we'd get in first with the dates for this term (see below). Please note that dates for further fundraising events will be added as they are booked. Also look out for School Council and Eco Committee elections and class showcase sessions.

You may have noticed the absence of a junior Christmas concert this year. Due to the growth of the school and the increasingly crowded Christmas period, we have decided to make a few alterations to our calendar. The nursery and foundation phase departments will continue to perform a full Christmas show while Key Stage 2 will take part in a carol concert as part of the Taff's Well Light Parade. Towards the end of the summer term, following assessments, the junior department will put on a full scale end of year performance which will also incorporate the Year 6 leavers' assembly. There are lots of ideas being touted as to what this will be but we'll let you know as soon as a decision is made.

Finally, we are keen to encourage further parental engagement this year. We will soon be re-launching the idea of a parent council with representatives from each class. While we haven't had enough uptake to get this off the ground previously, I'm confident there will be enough interest this year. New nomination forms will be coming out soon. We are also extremely keen to build a new Parent Teacher Association. Should anyone be interested in being part of this, please let Mr Worth (or indeed any other member of staff) know.

•Monday 18th September
After School Clubs Commence
Sign up forms sent out separately.
•Thursday 21st September
New Parents Read Write Inc. Presentation
Flyers to follow for reception parents.
•Thursday 25th September
Toothbrushing talk for parents/children
details to follow
•Friday 29th September
Macmillan Coffee Morning/Meet the Staff
An opportunity to meet the staff working with your child this year while raising money for a great cause. Details to follow.
•Monday 2nd October
KS2 topic visit to Harry Potter Studio Tour, London.
Full schedule to follow
•Thursday 5th October
Catch Up – Parents Meeting
invites to be sent out separately to parents of children receiving this intervention.
•Wednesday 11th October
Flu Vaccinations
NHS letters to be sent separately with further details
•Thursday 19th October
School Photographs
•Thursday 26th October
Monster Ball – school disco
5pm Infants
6pm Juniors
£3.00 entrance fee
•Monday 23rd & Tuesday 24th October
Parent Consultations
Details of how to book your appointment online will be sent out closer to the time.
•Wednesday 25th October
Harvest Festival
Donations for food bank to be sent in the day before
•Monday 30th October - Friday 3rd November  
Half Term Holiday
•Friday 17th November
Children in Need – ‘Spotacular’
Children to wear spotty clothes.
Further fundraising activiites to be decided by the school council.
•Monday 27th November
Dental Nurse – Fluoride Varnish
NHS letters to be sent separately with further details
•Friday 8th December
Nursery Nativity Performances
9.30am and 1.30pm
Further details to be announced
•Monday 11th December
OAP/grandparents infant dress rehearsal
9.30am in school hall.
•Tuesday 12th December
Infant Christmas Concert
Further details to be announced
•Wednesday 13th December  
Infant Christmas Concert
Further details to be announced
•Thursday 14th December
Christmas Cinema Night
5.00pm in school hall
£2.00 entrance fee
•Friday 15th December
Christmas Market
3.00pm in school hall.
Stall spaces are available if any parents would like to run a stall.
•Monday 18th December
Taff's Well Light Parade & KS2 Carol Concert
Further details and venue to be announced.
•Wednesday 20th December  
Class Christmas parties
Party wear to be worn to school for this day. Details of food donations to be sent out closer to the time.
•Friday 22nd December
Last day of Autumn Term
School finishes at normal time.
•Monday 8th January
First day of Spring Term
•Thursday 18th & Friday 19th January
School closed for two INSET days.
Final two closure days of the school year – staff training in the Singapore Maths approach.

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