Ffynnon Taf

Ffynnon Taf

Wednesday 7 June 2017

End of Year Diary Dates

The end of the school year is fast approaching and as ever, it’s a jam-packed half term. Please find below the dates that have been planned so far:
•Friday 9th June – Class Photo Day (please ensure school uniform is worn on this day). 
•Wednesday 14th June – Year 6 leavers event parent planning meeting (3.30pm staffroom)
•Monday 19th – Friday 23rd June – Science Week
•Thursday 29th June – New nursery intake induction meetings (details to follow)
•Friday 30th June – Hawthorn High Year 6 Transition Curriculum Day
•Monday 3rd – Friday 14th July – Junior swimming lesson block (details to follow)
•Monday 3rd – Thursday 6th July – Estyn Inspection
•Thursday 6th July – Hawthorn High Year 6 Transition Pastoral Day
•Thursday 6th July – Hawthorn High Year 6 Parents’ Evening.
•Friday 7th July – End of Year Reports out to parents
•Monday 9th & Tuesday 10th July – Hawthorn High Cluster Year 5 and 6 Inter-school musical production.
•Wednesday 12th July – Dosbarth Twcan Musical Showcase PM (Details to follow)
•Thursday 13th July – Hawthorn High Year 5 Transition Day
•Monday 17th July – Sports Day (1.15pm on the school field)*
•Thursday 20th July – Dosbarth Rhino Gwyn Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly (9.15am)
•Thursday 20th July – Dosbarth Coala, Cangarw, Llew & Rhino Gwyn musical showcase PM (details to follow)
•Thursday 20th July – Dosbarth Rhino Gwyn Year 6 Leavers’ Event (6pm - TBC)
•Friday 21st July – Last day of summer term
•Coming Soon: - Fundraising activities and our Family Fun Day (replacing the traditional summer fair) which is being planned for September as a ‘Welcome back’ event.
We will be sending out information for the events above closer to their respective dates.
*Please note, due to the blocked swimming lessons, we have moved Sports Day to a new date – Monday 17th July at 1.15pm on the school field.

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