Ffynnon Taf

Ffynnon Taf

Thursday 17 November 2016

Christmas Market

We recently put out a text message asking if any parents would be interested in helping the school plan and organise a Christmas Fair. Everyone is very busy this time of year and uptake to this offer was minimal so we have decided to approach the event in a slightly different way.   


This year we will be holding a Christmas Market on Friday 9th December from 3.15 – 6.00pm. As well as stalls run by staff with the usual mix of toiletries, books, DVDs etc, we are hoping to host a substantial craft market and are currently trying to attract traders to the event. Should you know of anyone that may be interested in taking a stall, please ask them to contact us in school. The most popular aspect of the fair will remain with a festive refreshments area, secret shopper room, prize drawer and of course a chance to meet Santa himself.


Further details of the market will be sent out in due course. As usual, we will be having a number of ‘non uniform days’ in the run up to the fair in order to collect donations for some of the stalls:


  • Friday 25th November – toiletries / beauty products
  • Friday 27th November – Christmas wrapping/cards/decorations
  • Friday 9th December – Cakes and Chocolates.

We will be sending you reminders of the above before each non-uniform day. The meeting on the 21st of November at 5pm will still take place and I look forward to seeing you there if you are willing to give us a hand!


We look forward to whatever support you can provide!

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