Ffynnon Taf

Ffynnon Taf

Monday 17 November 2014

Save our Christmas Fair!

The ‘We Love Ffynnon Taf Fundraising Association’ met recently at their AGM where they had hoped to appoint new committee members and begin arranging the Christmas Fair. No new members came to the meeting though some parents indicated they would be interested in offering help when they can. The current members of WLFTFA are now working full time and while they still have the enthusiasm, the amount of time they can spend organising events has decreased substantially.

It was agreed that the current members, with the support of the school, would continue to make arrangements for the Fair (due to take place at 3.15pm on Friday 12th December) but we would need the support of volunteers to set up and run the fair on the day. We are currently compiling a list of roles and duties linked to setting up on the day. This will be left in Mrs James’ office from Thursday. If you are willing and able, please sign up and help us out on the day!

Further details of the Fair will be sent out in due course. As usual, we will be having a number of ‘non uniform days’ in the run up to the fair in order to collect donations for a variety of activities/stalls on the day.

  • Friday 21st November – toiletries for the ‘Beauty Tombola’
  • Friday 28th November – bottles (further details to follow)
  • Friday 5th December – Lucky Bags (further details to follow)
  • Friday 12th December – Cakes and Chocolates.
We will be sending you reminders of the above along with further details of the lucky bag and bottle collections.

We look forward to whatever support you can provide!

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