Ffynnon Taf

Ffynnon Taf

Monday 24 November 2014

How are we improving this year?

A very important part of our work at Ffynnon Taf is to continually evaluate ourselves; from our provision and the standards we achieve to what we actually do to make ourselves a better school. We get this information in a variety of ways - we listen to the views of pupils and parents, observe each other teach, look at books and planning and carefully analyse all of the data we receive at the end of the year. With all this information, we decide on a number of priorities to work on through our School Development Plan (SDP). This is a really important document as it dictates a lot of the work we do throughout the year. 

This year we will be working on improving our numeracy skills throughout the school . We will be working with the children to develop better mathematical reasoning skills. We will also be attempting to give more effective support to those that struggle in this area and more challenge to those that find it easy.

Another priority is to further improve our teaching (we never stop trying to do this!) sharing ideas and developing our own 'Ffynnon Taf' style. We are also looking to get the HWB+ up and running and improve the opportunities our children have to use their 'Pupil Voice.' Finally, our work on the Welsh Government LNF (Literacy & Numeracy Framework) continues. An overview of the SDP is shown below. If you would like a full detailed copy, please do not hesitate to contact the school.

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