Ffynnon Taf

Ffynnon Taf

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Diary Dates

After the last very short half term, we only have 7 weeks until we break up for the summer. As ever, we have lots planned in this time. Please make a note of the main dates below, those not yet confirmed will be included in the newsletter due out next week. Further details of 'WLFTFA' events will be sent out shortly...

·         Thursday 12th June – Dosbarth Twcan Class Assembly (9.15am)
·         Thursday 19th June – Dosbarth Rhino Gwyn Class Assembly (9.15am)
·         Thursday 19th June - Non Uniform – Lucky Dip Prizes
·         Friday 20th June – Nursery Induction Meetings (9.30am and 1.30pm)
·         Friday 20th June – WLFTFA ‘Race Night’ (see flyers)
·         Friday 27th June - Non Uniform Day – tins, bottles and packets
·         Thursday 3rd July – Dosbarth Eliffant Class Assembly (9.15am)
·         Friday 4th July – Non Uniform Day – Books, DVDs and games
·         Thursday 10th July – Sports Day (1.15pm)
·         Friday 11th July – Reports out to parents
·         Friday 11th July - Non Uniform Day – Cakes
·        Friday 11th July – Year 6 Leavers Party (7pm – 9pm)
·         Saturday 12th July – Summer Fair (details to follow)
·         Thursday 17th July – Dosbarth Llew Leavers’ assembly (9.15am)
·         Friday 18th July– Last day of summer term

Coming Soon….

·         Healthy week & sponsored events

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