Ffynnon Taf

Ffynnon Taf

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Dosbarth Llew in Llangrannog

Many members of Dosbarth Llew (Year 5 and 6) visited Llangrannog for a 3 day residential last week. The trip was part of a transition project and involved pupils and staff from all of the feeder schools to Hawthorn High (Over 140 in total!) Weather was on our side from day one and the days were jam-packed full of exciting activities including horseriding, skiiing, climbing, high-ropes, quad bikes, go-carts, trampolining and the list goes on. Evenings involved long walks to the beach, discos and movies as well as plenty of food and social time to make new friends. Everyone had a fantastic time and the behaviour and attitude of our year 5 and 6 pupils was exemplary - they were a credit to both their parents and the school! All the children were put into mixed school groups (as were the staff) and as a result, photographs are limited. However, all the schools are compiling their best pictures and these will be posted soon. In the meantime, here are a few to give you a flavour of the trip!

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