Ffynnon Taf

Ffynnon Taf

Thursday 20 February 2014

Dosbarth Coala Friendship Assembly

Dosbarth Coala kicked off our annual season of class assemblies today with a fantastic mix of singing, poetry and drama on the theme of friendship! Once again, a great turn out from parents and grandparents made the morning really special and everyone was extremely impressed with the confidence and maturity that all the children showed (particularly when remembering they are year 1 and 2!) The bar has been set high by Mrs Howells and her class and I know the other classes are looking forward to planning their own performances in the near future! We attempted to take some photographs of the assembly but due to a fault with the camera (not the photographer!) they are very blurry. I have included a couple below but if any parents managed to get some better shots they don't mind us using, we'd be most grateful!

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