Ffynnon Taf

Ffynnon Taf

Sunday 14 October 2012

Brand New Fundraising Committee!

We are excited to be launching a brand new fundraising committee in which we are hoping parents, staff of the school and members of the local community will join forces to raise much needed funds. The aim of the committee will be to raise money for specific projects/resources which we will inform you of prior to any run of events or activities. 

We hope to strike a balance between school based sponsorship activities and out of school events. An example of the range of fundraising opportunities will include:

  • Sponsored Sports and Healthy Week Activities
  • Ticket Sales from Concerts
  • Coffee mornings
  • Discos
  • Cinema Nights
  • Christmas & Summer Fetes
  • Entertainment evenings
  • Shopping trips
  • Art Galleries and Christmas Card design
Obviously, there will be many others and we look forward to hearing of your ideas and suggestions. 

To kick-start the new committee, we will be holding a meeting in the school staff-room at 3.30pm on Thursday 18th October. We are looking to attract volunteers to take a regular part in creating opportunities to raise money as well as those who can lend a hand now and then (running stalls, delivering leaflets etc). We would also be delighted to hear from any parents who have links or contacts with anyone that we can do business with in the future, even if you do not have the time to take on a regular role. This is a great opportunity to become an integral part of the school community while working as part of a team and making new friends. Whatever time you can offer this committee, it would be great to see you at the first meeting!

Our initial aim will be to raise the £12,000 needed to fully refurbish our Lower Foundation Phase playground. Further details of this project will be sent out soon but plans and images will be available to view at the meeting. Look out also for two new notice boards that will be appearing soon. One will be located on the side of the new classroom and the other (which will include a visual 'totaliser' so we can keep track of what's been raised!) will be found in the corridor opposite the Dosbarth Llew classroom. News on fundraising will also be published via the blog, website, facebook and a dedicated section of the half termly newsletter.

We do hope you will be able to support this new committee, either by volunteering, attending the events or even just by spreading the word. Every pound raised is a pound more that will go to your child's education in one form or another. In an age of cuts and ever-shrinking budgets, successful fundraising  is a vital part of any developing school.

I look forward to your help and support...

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