Ffynnon Taf

Ffynnon Taf

Saturday 5 May 2012

Follow us on Twitter!

You can now follow us on Twitter and keep up to date with the latest posts to our blog without even having to log on. If you already have a Twitter account, search for FynnonTafPri and select follow. Those without accounts, it's really quick and simple to create one. Just visit Twitter and follow the instructions - then search for us! 

We are trying very hard to reduce the amount of paper we use as a school. Everything we send home in paper form is also posted to the school blog or website beforehand (along with lots more!) so everything you need to know is always available online. We do however realise that continually logging onto the internet is time consuming - which is where Twitter comes in. Those with Smartphones can access Twitter via their mobile. Everytime we update the blog, you'll receive a tweet to let you know what it's about and a link to continue on and read the full entry.  It's safe and simple and you can choose to use it or not, it's completely up to you! We are trialling this system for the summer term - let us know what you think in our annual parent questionnaires...

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