Ffynnon Taf

Ffynnon Taf

Monday 20 February 2012

Uganda Day Three - Church, Mount Elgon National Park & Sipi Falls

We were all up early again today as almost everyone in Uganda goes to church on a Sunday morning and we were invited by our host, Pastor Apollo, to attend his service. It was very different to a service in the UK with much singing and dancing before bible readings in both English and the local language (Lugisu). It was also very long at over two and half hours! At the end of the service an auction is held to raise funds for the church. Many of the congregation have no money to offer as a donation so they bring some produce instead (including bananas, mangoes and even live chickens!). The highest bidder wins the item and all the money is donated to the church - it really has to be seen to be believed!

In the afternoon, we had the opportunity to drive into the mountains (Mount Elgon) and view the beautiful Sipi falls. This involved much walking in sweltering heat and we had to take a local guide with us but all three falls were breathtaking and I was glad not to have missed this opportunity. Again, I have posted some pictures but none of them do justice to the amazing scenery!

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