Ffynnon Taf

Ffynnon Taf

Thursday 14 April 2011

What a street party!

Ffynnon Taf ended the spring term in style today by hosting its very own traditional British street party. The children in the Foundation Phase classes have been studying Kings & Queens as their topic this term and have been looking at how Britain has celebrated in the past when weddings have taken place. It was only fitting that, with an actual royal wedding taking place during the Easter break, the children got to experience this type of party - and what a success it was! Check out the pictures below.

We'd like to thank Cllr. Jill Bonetto for securing funding for the party and for providing a souvenir for every child in the form of a commemorative mug.

It has been another busy term at school and I know both staff and children are ready for the break. The summer term this year is a short one but there is a lot to fit in! Get plenty of rest and have lots of fun so you are refreshed and ready to start the new term in May! Have a happy Easter and don't eat too much chocolate!