Ffynnon Taf

Ffynnon Taf

Thursday 23 December 2010

Christmas Holidays

We had rather an abrupt end to the Autumn term with the school forced to close due to the weather so I thought I would write now to properly wish you a Merry Christmas. We managed to complete almost all of our in-school celebrations except of course for the PFA disco. I know many of the children were disappointed with this so we will reorganise in the new term and have a 'New Year' disco instead.

Unfortunately, the snow has brought more problems with it than just the closure of the school. Thawing snow on the Infant building roof has caused us some extensive water damage inside. Luckily, this has been found early and repairs are now under way so all should be sorted for our return to school in January.

Everybody has worked so hard this term and all the Christmas activities were very successful. I think a good rest is needed and deserved by all! I would like to wish pupils, parents and staff a fantastic Christmas and a prosperous New Year! See you all in 2011!

Mr Worth