Ffynnon Taf

Ffynnon Taf

Saturday 27 November 2010


With the quick burst of snow we had yesterday, and more forecast for next week, I thought it a good time to inform parents of our policy and procedures for extreme weather. I fully appreciate the disruption to education for pupils and difficulties caused to parents when the school is forced to close and, whenever possible, we will aim to keep the school open.

Severe weather before the start of school

In the event of heavy overnight snowfall, I, along with the Chair of governors, will undertake an urgent risk assessment of the effect the weather will have on the normal operation of the school. This review will assess the ability to safeguard the health, safety and welfare of pupils and staff. Factors considered will include the safe access to the school site, transport implications for pupils and staff and to ensure the school can maintain safe pupil/staff ratios.

On occasions where it is considered unsafe for school to open, I will contact the LEA and governors to inform them of the decision and all parents will receive a text message. The decision will be made as early as possible on the day of closure and always before 7.30am. The information will also be published to the school blog. All parents, carers and staff are advised to await notification through text or blog before setting off on their journey to school. Please try to avoid telephoning the school as this will divert resources away from the efforts to ensure the school can remain open.

Severe weather during the school day

Once the school is open for the day, pupils will normally remain in school until the formal end of school. In exceptional circumstances, if heavy snowfall commences and the forecast indicates severe conditions, the school may need to close early. In these cases parents will be sent a text message asking them to make arrangements to collect their children as soon as possible. I will always remain on site until the last child is safely collected.

Hopefully, we won't be closing any time soon, but I thought it important that you have the information in advance. Have a great weekend and have fun in the snow we have so far!

Mr Worth